ROBUST was established on January 8, 2004 in Hukou Township, Hsinchu County. In its early years, the company took the repair and maintenance of Novellus CMP and the supply of parts as its major business. In 2005, ROBUST allied itself with Novellus, a major manufacturer of semiconductor equipment in the US, and became the designated provider of repair, maintenance, and technical service of robots in the Greater China Region for Novellus. Thence, ROBUST repositioned itself as a professional provider of repair, maintenance and other services of automatic robots. ROBUST became the designated strategic partner of United Microelectronics Corporation(UMC), a major semiconductor manufacturer in Taiwan, in 2006 for providing UMC with repair and maintenance services of automatic robots.
The company was accredited with ISO 9001:2000 in 2007 as a result of its efforts to provide even better product quality and realize even better quality control. Its product quality and service have received even more positive acknowledgement from the industry circle since then. In 2008, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited(TSMC) selected ROBUST as its strategic partner for repair service of automatic robots. With its outstanding product quality and technical service, ROBUST not only has changed the dependence of semiconductor companies on equipment manufacturers for technical support but has formed solid partnership with its customers as well.
ROBUST merged HNY Technology(formerly SIC Electronics/BESTAR Robot team ) in April 2010 and as a result its service team became even more comprehensive. In July 2010, ROBUST established its Singapore Branch to exploit the Singapore market. ROBUST will aggressively take an internationalization strategy and will provide the “Two-Trillion” Industries of Taiwan (TFT/LCD/IC) with solutions featuring more comprehensive service and better quality at reasonable cost and in a timely manner to help customers to achieve success.
Holding fast to the quality policy of Quality First and Customer Foremost, ROBUST aims to solve its customers’ problems in the field of robots and equipment in order to help them achieve success and to their sustainable business objectives. ROBUST will abide by its business philosophy of “Professional , Honest, Pragmatic, Innovative” and develop more aggressively its own products in order to achieve sustainable operation and development. It is ROBUST’s hope that its efforts may help the “Two-Trillion” Industries of Taiwan to improve quality and cut costs to become more competitive in the international market.
Business concept

New Automation Plant established in 2017
Nanjing, China Branch Office & Repair Center established in 2017
Tainan Office and Repair Center established in 2017
ISO 9001:2015 Certified in 2017
Robust Automation Department established in January 2016
Robust Japan Repair Center Established in 2016
Robust Technology Taiwan Operations Headquarter and the new factory were officially opened in January 2015
ROBUST Technology (USA) United States branch office was established in January 2014.
China Kunshan Robust Technology was established in July 2011.
July 2010: ROBUST’s Singapore Branch established.
April 2010: Merged NHY and officially entered the field of TFT/LCD robots.
2008: Ranked the 1st place among TSMC’s spare parts providers in terms of QCDS.
2008: Ranked the 2nd place among TSMC’s spare parts providers in terms of QCDS.
2008: Applied Materials, a US-based company, selected ROBUST as its strategic partner and repairer of robots in the Greater China Region.
2008: TSMC selected ROBUST as a strategic partner and a repairer of automatic robots
2007: ROBUST was accredited with ISO 9001:2000. Its product quality and service have received even more positive acknowledgement from the industry circle since then.
2006: UMC selected ROBUST as a strategic partner and provider of the repair service of automatic robots
2005: ROBUST allied itself with Novellus, a major manufacturer of semiconductor equipment in the US, and became the designated provider of repair, maintenance, and technical service of robots in the Greater China Region for Novellus.
January 2004: ROBUST established. In its early years, the company took the repair of NVLS CMP and the supply of parts as its major business.